
OpenInkpot 0.1 beta live mode quick review

Today OpenInkpot 0.1 beta has released.

OpenInkpot is a Linux-based, open source, free firmware for e-ink based book reader device. Currently the Hanlin V3 device is supported, and supporting for Sony PRS-505, Kindle and many other device models are in progress.

OpenInkport 0.1 beta supports a very cool feature known as "live" mode. The mode allows OpenInkpot running from SD card, without flashing firmware. The live mode works well on my Hanlin V3, but I have to change the "boot-OI-v3.exe.txt" to "boot-OI-v3.exe.fb2" to make it execute. After boot, you can see familar Linux boot screen, and finally enters bookshelf. The bookshelf also shows book information such as author.

Selecting books from bookshelf is as easy as the offical firmware. However, because the book reader is based on FBReader, which does not support PDF format, it is not very useful for PDF collectors such as me. Moreover, Chinese font seems missed from the firmware, so I am not able to read my Chinese novels.

Although PDF is not supported, chm files are supported perfectly. Moreover, the important feature missed in Hanlin offical firmware, the supporting for hyperlink, also works here.

The last problem I encountered is the shutdown. I press the power button but no response. After consultanted openinkpot IRC channel, I finally exit from OpenInkpot: OK->Script->Shutdown.

I am really looking forward for the offical release of openinkpot now. Hope it not very far. :)
